SAVE THE DATES: Dream Camp April 30-May 3 & Sleep Summit Oct. 8-11, 2024

Attracting Sleep Shoppers: How to Create a Must-Visit Mattress Store

When it comes to buying a mattress, customers aren’t just looking for a comfortable place to sleep. They want an experience—a store that stands out from the rest, where they can find the perfect mattress and feel confident in their decision. As a mattress retailer, it’s essential to create a store that customers want to shop at, with attractive promotions and a strong online presence.

Key Takeaways:

  • Advertising plays a key role in the mattress buying decision process.
  • Sales and discounts are the most effective advertising messages.
  • The internet is the primary source of advertising for customers.
  • Utilize name brand sales events and attractive discounts to attract customers.
  • A strong online presence is crucial for reaching customers.

Promotional Messaging for Sales & Discounts

In a recent study conducted by Colonial LLC, it was found that promotional messages focusing on sales and discounts have a significant impact on mattress buying decisions. Consumers respond positively to messaging that emphasizes attractive discounts and savings. For example, messages such as “40% to 50% off” and “save $300 to $700” are highly effective in resonating with customers.

“40% to 50% off” and “save $300 to $700”

In addition to these general discount messages, specific promotional messaging can also be effective in capturing consumer interest. Messages like “manufacturer closeout—save $500-$1,000 on select mattresses” and “manufacturer special purchase—was $1,299, save $600 now $699” provide compelling value propositions that drive sales.

“Manufacturer closeout—save $500-$1,000 on select mattresses”

“Manufacturer special purchase—was $1,299, save $600 now $699”

To attract customers and generate sales, it is crucial for mattress retailers to leverage promotional messaging that offers attractive discounts and savings. By communicating these compelling offers effectively, retailers can capture customer attention and persuade them to make a purchase.

Reaching Consumers Online

The internet has become a vital resource for shoppers looking to purchase a new mattress. According to a study by Colonial LLC, 92.9% of respondents reported using the internet prior to or during their mattress shopping journey. Specifically, 55.6% of respondents relied on review websites to make informed decisions. This data highlights the significance of having a strong online presence and leveraging online advertising to attract customers.

To effectively reach consumers online, mattress retailers should optimize their online advertising strategies. By utilizing techniques such as search engine marketing (SEM) and display advertising, retailers can increase the visibility of their products and drive targeted traffic to their websites. Implementing Google Ads or social media advertising campaigns can help capture the attention of online mattress shoppers and direct them to the retailer’s online store.

Furthermore, positive reviews on review websites play a crucial role in influencing customer decisions. Mattress retailers should actively encourage satisfied customers to leave their feedback on popular review platforms. By showcasing positive testimonials, retailers can instill trust and confidence in potential buyers, ultimately driving conversions.

Benefits of Reaching Consumers Online Effective Strategies
  • Access to a wider audience of online mattress shoppers.
  • Increased visibility and brand exposure.
  • Opportunity to showcase positive customer reviews.
  • Optimize online advertising strategies.
  • Implement search engine marketing campaigns.
  • Utilize social media advertising.
  • Encourage positive customer reviews on review websites.

Come Back to Bed: A Guidebook for Independent Retailers

Are you an independent mattress retailer looking to attract more foot traffic and make customers fall in love with your store? Look no further! In their informative book, “Come Back to Bed,” mattress industry experts, Mark Kinsley and Mark Quinn, provide you with a comprehensive guidebook on how to differentiate your brand, form lasting customer relationships, and drive more foot traffic into your store. With their expert insights and proven strategies, you’ll be able to stand out in a competitive market and create a store that customers can’t resist.

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on offering unique and magical experiences that cannot be replicated through online shopping.
  • Build strong customer relationships to foster loyalty and repeat business.
  • Differentiate your brand from e-commerce and big-box stores by emphasizing personalized experiences.
  • Leverage the power of influencers to promote your brand and reach a wider audience.
  • Invest in professional photography to create visually appealing images of your mattresses.

Building a Brand and Connecting with Customers

Building a strong brand and establishing meaningful connections with customers are essential for independent retailers to thrive in a competitive marketplace. In their book, “Come Back to Bed,” authors Mark Kinsley and Mark Quinn provide valuable strategies and principles that independent retailers can implement to make their names notorious and create a lasting impact on their target audience.

One of the key aspects emphasized by the authors is the importance of differentiation from e-commerce and big-box stores. Independent retailers should focus on offering unique and personalized experiences that cannot be replicated through online shopping. By creating a memorable shopping experience, independent retailers can build a loyal customer base and stand out from their competitors.

“To truly connect with customers, independent retailers need to go beyond providing products and focus on delivering an experience that touches hearts and minds.”

According to Kinsley and Quinn, building strong customer relationships is fundamental for long-term success. By establishing a personal connection with each customer and understanding their individual needs, retailers can create a sense of trust and loyalty. This can be achieved through personalized interactions, engaging with customers on social media, and providing exceptional customer service.

Delivering a memorable and personalized shopping experience is key for independent retailers to build their brand and foster lasting customer relationships.

The Power of Branding

A well-crafted brand can leave a lasting impression on customers, helping independent retailers differentiate themselves and attract a loyal following. It is essential for retailers to develop a clear brand identity that resonates with their target audience. This includes carefully selecting brand colors, designing a captivating logo, and creating a unique brand voice that reflects the store’s values and personality.

Building a strong brand is an integral part of successful marketing strategies for independent retailers.

Connecting Through Social Media

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity for independent retailers to connect with customers on a personal level and showcase their brands. By engaging with customers through compelling content and responding to their comments and inquiries, retailers can establish a strong social media presence that reinforces their brand image and fosters customer loyalty.

Case Study: The Success Story of Sleep Haven

Company Sleep Haven
Location New York City
Established 2010
Brand Image Modern, Sleek, and Sustainable
Unique Selling Point Eco-friendly materials and customizable mattresses
Social Media Presence
  • Instagram: @SleepHavenNYC
  • Facebook: Sleep Haven NYC
  • Twitter: @SleepHavenNYC
Customer Testimonials

“Sleep Haven’s commitment to sustainability and their personalized service made me a loyal customer. I love my customized mattress!” – Jane D.

“I discovered Sleep Haven on Instagram, and their beautiful feed immediately caught my attention. The shopping experience was just as amazing, and I couldn’t be happier with my purchase.” – Michael R.

Sleep Haven, a mattress retailer based in New York City, has successfully implemented brand-building and customer connection strategies. Their modern and sustainable brand image, coupled with a focus on providing customizable mattresses made from eco-friendly materials, sets them apart from their competitors.

Through an active presence on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, Sleep Haven engages with customers, shares compelling content, and showcases their commitment to sustainability. This has helped them build a devoted following and attract customers who resonate with their brand values.

Sleep Haven’s success story serves as a testament to the power of building a brand and connecting with customers in the independent retail industry.

Influencer Marketing and Professional Photography

Kinsley and Quinn recommend that mattress retailers take advantage of the influence of online influencers to promote their brands. By partnering with influencers who have a similar target audience, retailers can expand their reach and attract more customers. Influencers have a strong impact on consumer buying decisions, and their endorsement of a mattress brand can significantly increase brand visibility and credibility.

Leveraging Influencers

Working with influencers allows mattress retailers to tap into their followers’ trust and loyalty, enabling them to reach a wider audience. Influencers capture the attention of their followers through various content formats, such as blog posts, social media posts, and video reviews. By collaborating with influencers who specialize in home decor, sleep, or lifestyle, mattress retailers can effectively promote their products to a relevant and engaged audience.

“Partnering with influencers who have established credibility can give mattress retailers a powerful boost in brand promotion.”

Benefits of Professional Photography

In addition to influencer marketing, investing in professional photography can greatly enhance a mattress retailer’s brand promotion efforts. High-quality visuals play a crucial role in attracting customers and driving sales. Professional photographs of mattresses can showcase their comfort, design, and features in the best possible light, making them more appealing to potential buyers.

When done right, professional photography can create an emotional connection with customers by evoking a sense of luxury and tranquility. It is essential to capture the essence of a good night’s sleep and convey the comfort and support that a mattress provides.

Using professional photography not only enhances the visual appeal of a mattress brand but also adds credibility and professionalism to its online presence. It reflects the brand’s commitment to quality and attention to detail, instilling confidence in potential customers.

Creating Engaging Visual Content

By combining influencer marketing and professional photography, mattress retailers can create engaging visual content that resonates with their target audience. Influencers can incorporate eye-catching images of the mattresses in their content, showcasing their features, and emphasizing their benefits. This compelling combination of influencer endorsement and visually appealing imagery can increase customer trust and interest in the brand, ultimately driving sales.

Additionally, mattress retailers can leverage this visual content on their own social media platforms and websites, creating a cohesive and enticing brand image. By consistently using high-quality visual content across all marketing channels, retailers can establish a strong and recognizable brand identity that sets them apart from the competition.

Building an E-commerce Site for Your Mattress Business

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for mattress retailers. Building an e-commerce website not only expands your reach but also provides customers with the convenience and accessibility they desire. With an e-commerce site, customers can browse and shop for mattresses from the comfort of their own homes.

However, it’s not just about having an online store. To truly stand out and attract customers, it’s important to pay attention to the various aspects of your website. A captivating website design can engage customers and make a lasting impression. It’s essential to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that reflects your brand identity.

Mobile optimization is another key factor to consider. With the rise of smartphones and tablets, it’s imperative that your e-commerce site is responsive and provides a seamless experience across different devices. Customers should be able to easily navigate and make purchases on your site, regardless of the device they’re using.

Easy ordering processes

When it comes to online shopping, customer convenience is paramount. Make sure your ordering processes are straightforward and intuitive. A complicated checkout process can lead to cart abandonment and lost sales. Streamline the steps required to complete a purchase, allowing customers to effortlessly place their orders with just a few clicks.

“By investing in an e-commerce site, mattress retailers can reach a wider audience and drive more sales.”

Furthermore, implementing secure and trusted payment gateways instills confidence in customers and encourages them to make a purchase. Include popular and widely accepted payment methods to accommodate a variety of customers.

Enhancing the customer experience

Building an e-commerce site is not just about selling mattresses; it’s about creating an exceptional customer experience. Provide detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and customer reviews to help customers make informed decisions. In addition, consider incorporating live chat support or a customer service hotline to address any queries or concerns promptly.

Lastly, leverage personalization and recommendation algorithms to offer tailored suggestions based on customers’ preferences and browsing history. This can significantly enhance the shopping experience and increase customer satisfaction.

An e-commerce site is a powerful tool for your mattress business, allowing you to reach a wider audience and drive more sales. By investing in a well-designed website, optimizing for mobile devices, and prioritizing customer convenience, you can create an online presence that attracts and retains customers.

Optimizing Product SEO for Each Mattress Listing

To increase visibility and attract more customers to their e-commerce sites, mattress retailers should focus on optimizing the SEO for each mattress listing. Effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies can significantly improve the ranking of product listings on search engine results pages, ensuring that the website receives higher organic traffic.

One crucial aspect of optimizing product SEO is conducting thorough keyword research. Retailers should identify relevant keywords that potential customers commonly search for when looking for mattresses. These keywords can encompass various attributes such as mattress type, brand, size, or specific features like memory foam or hybrid construction.

By incorporating these keywords strategically into their product listings, retailers can increase their website’s visibility and attract the right customers. It is essential to place these keywords organically throughout the product description, title, and meta-tags. However, retailers should avoid keyword stuffing, as search engines prioritize natural and relevant content.

Additionally, retailers can enhance the SEO of their mattress listings by optimizing the product images. High-quality images showcasing different angles, close-ups of unique features, or lifestyle shots can attract customers and set the product apart from competitors. Retailers should optimize these images by compressing file sizes, using alt tags with relevant keywords, and ensuring fast loading speeds.

Customer reviews and ratings also play a role in SEO optimization. Positive reviews not only build trust with potential customers but also create valuable user-generated content that search engines favor. Retailers should actively encourage customers to leave reviews and ensure they are prominently displayed on the product listing page.

Furthermore, optimizing the website’s layout and user experience contributes to improved SEO. Retailers should ensure user-friendly navigation, clear product categorization, and easy-to-use search functionality, allowing customers to find the desired mattress quickly. Retailers must also focus on mobile optimization, as an increasing number of shoppers use mobile devices for online purchases.

Implementing these SEO techniques can help mattress retailers improve their search engine rankings, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately increase sales. By understanding the customer’s search behavior and optimizing product listings accordingly, retailers can position their mattresses in front of the right audience, influencing their purchasing decisions.

Setup Google Merchant and Shopping Ads

Kinsley and Quinn recommend that mattress retailers should utilize Google Merchant and Shopping Ads to increase the visibility of their products. By utilizing Google Merchant, retailers can create a product feed and upload their inventory to make it available for Google Shopping ads. These ads allow retailers to showcase their mattresses at the top of search results, making them more likely to be seen by potential customers.

To optimize the effectiveness of Google Shopping campaigns, mattress retailers should follow these key strategies:

  1. Optimize product titles: Use descriptive and relevant keywords to accurately represent the mattresses. This helps in improving visibility and attracting the right audience.
  2. Use high-quality images: Ensure that product images are clear, appealing, and accurately represent the mattresses. High-quality visuals can significantly impact click-through rates and conversions.
  3. Choose relevant keywords: Conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and frequently searched terms related to mattresses. Incorporate these keywords in the product titles and descriptions to increase the visibility of the ads.

Implementing these strategies will help mattress retailers increase product visibility, attract potential customers, and drive more sales through Google Merchant and Shopping Ads.

Benefits of Using Google Merchant and Shopping Ads How It Helps
Increased product visibility By appearing at the top of search results, retailers can reach a larger audience and increase the chances of their products being seen.
Targeted advertising Google Shopping Ads allow retailers to target specific keywords and demographics, ensuring that their ads are shown to relevant customers.
Higher click-through rates With visually appealing ads and relevant product information, shoppers are more likely to click on Google Shopping ads, leading to higher click-through rates.
Increase in website traffic When users click on Google Shopping ads, they are directed to the retailer’s website, increasing traffic and potential conversions.
Improved conversion rates Targeted ads, combined with effective product titles and high-quality images, can lead to higher conversion rates as shoppers are more likely to make a purchase.

Setup Facebook and Instagram Catalogues

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide excellent opportunities for mattress retailers to showcase their products through catalogues. By creating catalogues on these platforms, retailers can effectively list their mattresses with all the essential information and target specific audience segments with customized ads. The use of catalogues allows retailers to increase brand awareness, engage with potential customers, and ultimately drive sales.

“Facebook catalogues and Instagram catalogues provide mattress retailers with a visually appealing way to showcase their products to a wide audience. By creating captivating and informative content that aligns with the brand’s personality, retailers can attract and retain customers on these social media platforms, ultimately driving sales. The use of catalogues allows for a more dynamic and immersive shopping experience, increasing customer engagement and brand loyalty.”

Setting up catalogues on Facebook and Instagram is relatively straightforward. Retailers can easily upload product images, descriptions, prices, and other relevant details directly to their catalogues. They can then use these catalogues to create targeted ads and reach specific customer segments based on demographics, interests, and browsing behavior.

With the ability to reach billions of users, Facebook and Instagram catalogues provide an expansive reach for mattress retailers. These platforms offer advanced targeting options, allowing retailers to narrow down their audience and get their products in front of the right people. By utilizing these social media advertising features, retailers can effectively increase brand visibility, attract potential customers, and drive sales.

Additionally, Facebook and Instagram provide insights and analytics tools that enable retailers to track the performance of their catalogues and ads. Retailers can measure important metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and return on ad spend. This data allows retailers to optimize their advertising strategies, make data-driven decisions, and continuously improve the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Advantages of Facebook and Instagram Catalogues for Mattress Retailers:

  • Increased brand awareness and exposure
  • Targeted advertising to specific customer segments
  • Engaging and visually appealing product showcases
  • Broad reach and potential access to billions of users
  • Insights and analytics tools for performance tracking

By leveraging Facebook and Instagram catalogues, mattress retailers can tap into the power of social media advertising to effectively promote their products and connect with their target audience. The visually engaging nature of catalogues, combined with targeted advertising options, allows retailers to create a compelling brand presence and attract customers who are actively seeking mattresses or related products.

Building Peaceful Content on Social Media

Content marketing is an essential strategy for mattress retailers to establish brand credibility and authenticity. By creating influential content that resonates with their target audience, retailers can encourage engagement and build trust. This can be achieved through various mediums such as blog posts, videos, and images, offering informative and visually appealing content related to the benefits of a good mattress and peaceful topics.

One effective approach is to share valuable content on social media platforms, where retailers can increase brand visibility and generate leads. By consistently providing meaningful and relevant content, retailers can engage with their audience and establish themselves as trustworthy sources of information. The goal is to establish genuine connections with potential customers, nurturing their trust and loyalty towards the brand.

“Creating influential content that resonates with the target audience is crucial for mattress retailers to build trust and engage with potential customers.”

One way to achieve this is by showcasing the benefits of a good mattress, emphasizing how quality sleep contributes to overall well-being and peace of mind. By highlighting the importance of a comfortable and supportive sleep environment, retailers can educate their audience and position themselves as experts in the industry.

Additionally, tapping into peaceful topics can further enhance customer trust. Sharing content that promotes relaxation, stress relief, and mindfulness can foster a sense of calm and well-being, aligning with the desired outcome of a good night’s sleep. This approach not only provides value to the audience but also reinforces the retailer’s commitment to improving customers’ quality of life.

Take a look at the following table that illustrates various types of peaceful content that mattress retailers can create:

Content Type Description
Guided Meditation Videos Provide tranquil guided meditation sessions to promote relaxation and better sleep.
Tips for Creating a Serene Bedroom Share practical advice on how to transform the bedroom into a peaceful sanctuary.
Inspiring Quotes about Rest and Rejuvenation Post uplifting quotes that inspire a peaceful mindset and encourage self-care.
Customer Success Stories Share testimonials from satisfied customers to build trust and showcase the positive impact of a good mattress.

By consistently delivering peaceful content on social media platforms, mattress retailers can create a positive association with their brand and establish a loyal following. This content marketing strategy not only increases brand visibility but also positions the retailer as a trusted advisor in the sleep industry.


  • Content marketing is crucial for building brand credibility and authenticity.
  • Create influential content that resonates with the target audience.
  • Promote the benefits of a good mattress and peaceful topics to establish trust.
  • Engage with potential customers by sharing valuable content on social media.
  • Consistently provide content that promotes relaxation and well-being.

By implementing these strategies, mattress retailers can effectively leverage content marketing to engage with their audience, build trust, and drive customer acquisition.

Listing Mattresses on Online Platforms: Reach a Wider Customer Base

In addition to utilizing their own e-commerce websites, mattress retailers can significantly increase sales and revenues by listing their products on popular online platforms such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. These platforms provide access to a larger customer base, allowing retailers to expand their reach and attract a diverse range of customers.

By leveraging the popularity and credibility of these online platforms, mattress retailers can tap into the existing customer traffic and benefit from the trust and convenience associated with these platforms. This strategic move can lead to increased sales and improved brand visibility.

Benefits of Listing on Online Platforms

  • Access to a larger customer base: Online platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy have massive user bases, providing retailers with the opportunity to reach customers who prefer to shop through these platforms.
  • Increased brand visibility: By listing mattresses on popular online platforms, retailers can increase their brand visibility and attract potential customers who may not have discovered their store through other channels.
  • Established trust and credibility: Online platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy have built a reputation for providing a secure and trustworthy shopping experience. By listing on these platforms, mattress retailers can benefit from the trust associated with these brands.
  • Expanded reach: Listing products on online platforms allows mattress retailers to expand their reach beyond their local market, reaching customers from different regions and even international buyers.

Choosing the Right Online Platforms

When selecting online platforms to list their mattresses, retailers should consider the nature of their target audience and the specific features offered by each platform. Here’s a comparison table highlighting key differences:

Platform Advantages Disadvantages
Amazon – Massive customer base
– Robust fulfillment network
– Trusted brand
– Competition from other sellers
– High fees for certain categories
eBay – Established auction-style marketplace
– Wide range of product categories
– Flexible selling options
– Increased competition
– Fees for listing and selling
Etsy – Targeted audience for handmade and unique products
– Community-driven marketplace
– Easy customization for branding
– Limited to handmade, vintage, and craft supplies
– Niche-focused customer base

By carefully selecting the most suitable online platforms, mattress retailers can maximize their reach, optimize their sales potential, and effectively tap into the demand for mattresses within each platform’s specific customer base.

“Listing mattresses on reputable online platforms allows retailers to leverage the existing customer traffic and expand their reach, resulting in increased sales and improved brand visibility.” – Sleep Retailers Magazine

With the growing popularity of online shopping, listing mattresses on platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy has become an essential strategy for mattress retailers looking to capture a larger market share and drive growth in their businesses. By combining their own e-commerce websites with presence on these influential online platforms, mattress retailers can unlock new opportunities and attract customers who prefer the convenience and reliability of shopping through these platforms.

Effective Mattress Marketing Strategies

To successfully promote a mattress business and boost brand traffic, retailers should implement a combination of different marketing strategies. By tailoring these strategies to their specific target audience, retailers can increase customer engagement and drive more sales. The following key strategies have proven to be effective in the mattress industry:

Influencer Marketing

Collaborating with influencers who have a strong following in the sleep industry can significantly increase brand visibility and credibility. By partnering with influencers who align with the retailer’s target audience, mattress retailers can reach a wider customer base and attract more potential buyers. Influencers can create engaging content, showcase the retailer’s products, and provide authentic reviews, influencing their followers’ purchasing decisions.

Website Building

An attractive and user-friendly website is crucial for establishing a strong online presence. Retailers should invest in professional web design, ensuring that their website is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for mobile devices. With a well-designed website, mattress retailers can showcase their products, provide detailed information, and offer a seamless shopping experience to customers.

SEO Optimization

Implementing effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies is essential for improving the visibility of a mattress retailer’s website. Retailers should conduct keyword research and optimize their website content with relevant keywords that potential customers are likely to search for. By ranking higher in search engine results, retailers can attract organic traffic and drive more qualified leads to their website.

Online Advertising

Implementing targeted online advertising campaigns can help mattress retailers reach their desired audience. Retailers should leverage platforms such as Google Ads and social media advertising to promote their products and offers. By creating compelling ad copies and using precise targeting options, retailers can drive qualified traffic to their website and increase brand awareness among potential customers.

Social Media Marketing

Utilizing popular social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can significantly impact brand visibility and customer engagement. Retailers should create engaging content, share valuable information, and interact with their audience to build a community around their brand. By regularly posting relevant content, running targeted ad campaigns, and leveraging user-generated content, retailers can attract more followers, drive traffic to their website, and ultimately increase sales.

Summary of Effective Mattress Marketing Strategies

Marketing Strategy Description
Influencer Marketing Collaborating with sleep influencers to increase brand visibility and credibility.
Website Building Creating an attractive and user-friendly website to showcase products and offer a seamless online shopping experience.
SEO Optimization Implementing effective strategies to improve website visibility and attract organic traffic through search engine results.
Online Advertising Using targeted online advertising campaigns to reach potential customers and promote products.
Social Media Marketing Engaging with customers on social media platforms to increase brand visibility and customer engagement.

By employing these mattress marketing strategies, retailers can enhance their online presence, attract more customers, and drive greater sales in the competitive mattress industry.


Creating a customer-centric store is key for mattress retailers to attract and retain customers in today’s competitive market. By adopting various strategies, retailers can enhance their online and offline presence, engage customers effectively, and stand out from the crowd.

First and foremost, effective advertising messages play a crucial role in capturing customers’ attention. By crafting compelling messages that highlight attractive sales and discounts, mattress retailers can pique customers’ interest and encourage them to visit the store.

Furthermore, optimizing the online presence through e-commerce websites and SEO is essential. With a user-friendly website and strong search engine visibility, retailers can provide customers with convenient online shopping experiences and increase their brand exposure.

Leveraging influencer marketing and social media platforms can also significantly impact a retailer’s success. Partnering with relevant influencers and creating engaging content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook can help expand reach, build brand credibility, and foster customer loyalty.

Lastly, expanding through online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy can further broaden a retailer’s customer base and generate more sales opportunities. By tapping into these platforms, mattress retailers can reach customers who prefer to shop in those environments.

In conclusion, by adopting a customer-centric approach, mattress retailers can create a store that customers want to shop at. By utilizing effective advertising, offering attractive discounts, optimizing online presence, leveraging influencer marketing and social media, and expanding through online marketplaces, retailers can attract more customers, enhance the shopping experience, and ultimately establish a strong presence in the mattress retail industry.


How can I create a mattress store that customers want to shop at?

To create a store that customers want to shop at, focus on implementing a customer-centric approach. This includes utilizing effective advertising messages, offering attractive sales and discounts, optimizing your online presence through e-commerce websites and SEO, leveraging influencer marketing and social media platforms, and expanding your reach through online marketplaces.

What types of promotional messages are most effective for mattress sales and discounts?

The most effective promotional messages for mattress sales and discounts include messaging such as “40% to 50% off,” “save 0 to 0,” “manufacturer closeout—save 0-


How can I create a mattress store that customers want to shop at?

To create a store that customers want to shop at, focus on implementing a customer-centric approach. This includes utilizing effective advertising messages, offering attractive sales and discounts, optimizing your online presence through e-commerce websites and SEO, leveraging influencer marketing and social media platforms, and expanding your reach through online marketplaces.

What types of promotional messages are most effective for mattress sales and discounts?

The most effective promotional messages for mattress sales and discounts include messaging such as “40% to 50% off,” “save $300 to $700,” “manufacturer closeout—save $500-$1,000 on select mattresses,” and “manufacturer special purchase—was $1,299, save $600 now $699.”

How can I reach consumers online to promote my mattress store?

To reach consumers online, it is important to have a strong online presence and utilize online advertising. This includes optimizing your website for SEO, ensuring positive reviews on review websites, and utilizing platforms such as Google Merchant and Shopping Ads.

How can independent retailers attract more foot traffic to their mattress stores?

Independent retailers can attract more foot traffic by focusing on building their brands and connecting with customers in meaningful ways. This can be done by offering unique and personalized experiences that differentiate from e-commerce and big-box stores, as outlined in the book “Come Back to Bed” by Kinsley and Quinn.

What are some strategies for building a brand and connecting with customers?

Some strategies for building a brand and connecting with customers include offering unique and magical experiences, emphasizing customer relationships, and differentiating yourself from competitors. The book “Come Back to Bed” provides detailed strategies and principles for independent retailers to follow.

How can influencer marketing and professional photography help promote my mattress brand?

Partnering with influencers who have the same audience base as your target customers can increase your brand’s reach and attract more customers. Additionally, investing in high-quality professional photography can create visually appealing images of your mattresses, which can greatly influence purchase decisions.

Should I invest in building an e-commerce site for my mattress business?

Yes, having an e-commerce site allows customers to browse and shop for mattresses online, providing convenience and accessibility. It is important to have a captivating website design, optimize for mobile, and offer easy ordering processes to enhance the customer experience.

How can I optimize the SEO for each mattress listing on my e-commerce site?

To optimize the SEO for each mattress listing, research relevant keywords that customers commonly search for when looking for mattresses. Incorporate these keywords into your product listings to improve your rankings on search engine results pages and attract more organic traffic to your website.

How can I set up Google Merchant and Shopping Ads to increase product visibility?

Setting up Google Merchant and Shopping Ads allows you to showcase your mattresses at the top of search results, making them more likely to be seen by potential customers. By optimizing your product titles, using high-quality images, and choosing relevant keywords, you can increase the effectiveness of your Google Shopping campaigns and drive more sales.

How can I utilize Facebook and Instagram catalogues to promote my mattress brand?

Facebook and Instagram catalogues allow you to showcase your mattresses with essential information and target specific audience segments with customized ads. By using catalogues, you can increase brand awareness, engage with potential customers, and drive sales. Create captivating and informative content that aligns with your brand’s personality to attract and retain customers.

What role does content marketing play in promoting my mattress brand?

Content marketing plays a crucial role in building brand credibility and authenticity. Create influential content such as blog posts, videos, and images that resonate with your target audience and encourage engagement. Sharing valuable content on social media can increase brand visibility, generate leads, and establish relationships with potential customers.

Should I list my mattresses on online platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy?

Yes, listing your mattresses on popular online platforms provides access to a larger customer base and can significantly increase sales and revenues. By reaching customers who prefer to shop on these platforms, you can further expand your reach and attract a diverse range of customers.

What are some effective mattress marketing strategies I can implement?

Effective mattress marketing strategies include influencer marketing, website building, SEO optimization, online advertising, and social media marketing. By combining these strategies and tailoring them to your specific target audience, you can boost brand traffic, increase customer engagement, and drive more sales.

,000 on select mattresses,” and “manufacturer special purchase—was


How can I create a mattress store that customers want to shop at?

To create a store that customers want to shop at, focus on implementing a customer-centric approach. This includes utilizing effective advertising messages, offering attractive sales and discounts, optimizing your online presence through e-commerce websites and SEO, leveraging influencer marketing and social media platforms, and expanding your reach through online marketplaces.

What types of promotional messages are most effective for mattress sales and discounts?

The most effective promotional messages for mattress sales and discounts include messaging such as “40% to 50% off,” “save $300 to $700,” “manufacturer closeout—save $500-$1,000 on select mattresses,” and “manufacturer special purchase—was $1,299, save $600 now $699.”

How can I reach consumers online to promote my mattress store?

To reach consumers online, it is important to have a strong online presence and utilize online advertising. This includes optimizing your website for SEO, ensuring positive reviews on review websites, and utilizing platforms such as Google Merchant and Shopping Ads.

How can independent retailers attract more foot traffic to their mattress stores?

Independent retailers can attract more foot traffic by focusing on building their brands and connecting with customers in meaningful ways. This can be done by offering unique and personalized experiences that differentiate from e-commerce and big-box stores, as outlined in the book “Come Back to Bed” by Kinsley and Quinn.

What are some strategies for building a brand and connecting with customers?

Some strategies for building a brand and connecting with customers include offering unique and magical experiences, emphasizing customer relationships, and differentiating yourself from competitors. The book “Come Back to Bed” provides detailed strategies and principles for independent retailers to follow.

How can influencer marketing and professional photography help promote my mattress brand?

Partnering with influencers who have the same audience base as your target customers can increase your brand’s reach and attract more customers. Additionally, investing in high-quality professional photography can create visually appealing images of your mattresses, which can greatly influence purchase decisions.

Should I invest in building an e-commerce site for my mattress business?

Yes, having an e-commerce site allows customers to browse and shop for mattresses online, providing convenience and accessibility. It is important to have a captivating website design, optimize for mobile, and offer easy ordering processes to enhance the customer experience.

How can I optimize the SEO for each mattress listing on my e-commerce site?

To optimize the SEO for each mattress listing, research relevant keywords that customers commonly search for when looking for mattresses. Incorporate these keywords into your product listings to improve your rankings on search engine results pages and attract more organic traffic to your website.

How can I set up Google Merchant and Shopping Ads to increase product visibility?

Setting up Google Merchant and Shopping Ads allows you to showcase your mattresses at the top of search results, making them more likely to be seen by potential customers. By optimizing your product titles, using high-quality images, and choosing relevant keywords, you can increase the effectiveness of your Google Shopping campaigns and drive more sales.

How can I utilize Facebook and Instagram catalogues to promote my mattress brand?

Facebook and Instagram catalogues allow you to showcase your mattresses with essential information and target specific audience segments with customized ads. By using catalogues, you can increase brand awareness, engage with potential customers, and drive sales. Create captivating and informative content that aligns with your brand’s personality to attract and retain customers.

What role does content marketing play in promoting my mattress brand?

Content marketing plays a crucial role in building brand credibility and authenticity. Create influential content such as blog posts, videos, and images that resonate with your target audience and encourage engagement. Sharing valuable content on social media can increase brand visibility, generate leads, and establish relationships with potential customers.

Should I list my mattresses on online platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy?

Yes, listing your mattresses on popular online platforms provides access to a larger customer base and can significantly increase sales and revenues. By reaching customers who prefer to shop on these platforms, you can further expand your reach and attract a diverse range of customers.

What are some effective mattress marketing strategies I can implement?

Effective mattress marketing strategies include influencer marketing, website building, SEO optimization, online advertising, and social media marketing. By combining these strategies and tailoring them to your specific target audience, you can boost brand traffic, increase customer engagement, and drive more sales.

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How can I reach consumers online to promote my mattress store?

To reach consumers online, it is important to have a strong online presence and utilize online advertising. This includes optimizing your website for SEO, ensuring positive reviews on review websites, and utilizing platforms such as Google Merchant and Shopping Ads.

How can independent retailers attract more foot traffic to their mattress stores?

Independent retailers can attract more foot traffic by focusing on building their brands and connecting with customers in meaningful ways. This can be done by offering unique and personalized experiences that differentiate from e-commerce and big-box stores, as outlined in the book “Come Back to Bed” by Kinsley and Quinn.

What are some strategies for building a brand and connecting with customers?

Some strategies for building a brand and connecting with customers include offering unique and magical experiences, emphasizing customer relationships, and differentiating yourself from competitors. The book “Come Back to Bed” provides detailed strategies and principles for independent retailers to follow.

How can influencer marketing and professional photography help promote my mattress brand?

Partnering with influencers who have the same audience base as your target customers can increase your brand’s reach and attract more customers. Additionally, investing in high-quality professional photography can create visually appealing images of your mattresses, which can greatly influence purchase decisions.

Should I invest in building an e-commerce site for my mattress business?

Yes, having an e-commerce site allows customers to browse and shop for mattresses online, providing convenience and accessibility. It is important to have a captivating website design, optimize for mobile, and offer easy ordering processes to enhance the customer experience.

How can I optimize the SEO for each mattress listing on my e-commerce site?

To optimize the SEO for each mattress listing, research relevant keywords that customers commonly search for when looking for mattresses. Incorporate these keywords into your product listings to improve your rankings on search engine results pages and attract more organic traffic to your website.

How can I set up Google Merchant and Shopping Ads to increase product visibility?

Setting up Google Merchant and Shopping Ads allows you to showcase your mattresses at the top of search results, making them more likely to be seen by potential customers. By optimizing your product titles, using high-quality images, and choosing relevant keywords, you can increase the effectiveness of your Google Shopping campaigns and drive more sales.

How can I utilize Facebook and Instagram catalogues to promote my mattress brand?

Facebook and Instagram catalogues allow you to showcase your mattresses with essential information and target specific audience segments with customized ads. By using catalogues, you can increase brand awareness, engage with potential customers, and drive sales. Create captivating and informative content that aligns with your brand’s personality to attract and retain customers.

What role does content marketing play in promoting my mattress brand?

Content marketing plays a crucial role in building brand credibility and authenticity. Create influential content such as blog posts, videos, and images that resonate with your target audience and encourage engagement. Sharing valuable content on social media can increase brand visibility, generate leads, and establish relationships with potential customers.

Should I list my mattresses on online platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy?

Yes, listing your mattresses on popular online platforms provides access to a larger customer base and can significantly increase sales and revenues. By reaching customers who prefer to shop on these platforms, you can further expand your reach and attract a diverse range of customers.

What are some effective mattress marketing strategies I can implement?

Effective mattress marketing strategies include influencer marketing, website building, SEO optimization, online advertising, and social media marketing. By combining these strategies and tailoring them to your specific target audience, you can boost brand traffic, increase customer engagement, and drive more sales.

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